Welcome to VAULT!
This table-top Role Playing Game is designed to combine relatable near-future cyberpunk elements with the mysterious and heroic nature of fantasy. One night you might be working out the details of a bullet train heist and the next hunting down a cult of blood mages.
Players will find fun and flavorful ways to invest in their characters and improve them often. The system is focused on giving players agency both in and out of combat. Game Masters will have tools to keep the focus on their story, run gritty fast-paced fights, and present challenges that force players to think on their feet.
In our world, the fae - and magic - were here before humans learned how to use iron. Once the humans had used their iron weapons to kill some fae nobility, most of the fae fled the realm - taking magic with them.
As human technology advanced and weaponry moved away from iron to materials like lead, plastic, and carbon fiber, the fae stopped fearing the humans. They returned to reclaim the world. They opened great portals at each of the planets poles, and creatures from countless realms - as well as magic - flowed freely into our world.
Now humans are relegated to a dozen or so mega-cities, and the Ebb and Aether courts of the fae control much of the wild lands in between. As new threats emerge, so too does a fragile alliance. . .
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